
Taurean Mauler
Creature -- Shapeshifter
Changeling (This card is every creature type.)
Whenever an opponent casts a spell, you may put a +1/+1 counter on ~this~.

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name expansion rarity artist flavor text original text image
Taurean Mauler Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Commander rare Dominick Domingo The power of a waterfall. The fury of an avalanche. The intellect of a gale-force wind. Changeling <i>(This card is every creature type.)</i>
Whenever an opponent casts a spell, you may put a +1/+1 counter on Taurean Mauler.
Taurean Mauler Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Commander rare
Commander Anthology 2018 rare The power of a waterfall. The fury of an avalanche. The intellect of a gale-force wind. Changeling (This card is every creature type.)
Whenever an opponent casts a spell, you may put a +1/+1 counter on Taurean Mauler.
Commander 2016 rare The power of a waterfall. The fury of an avalanche. The intellect of a gale-force wind. Changeling (This card is every creature type.)
Whenever an opponent casts a spell, you may put a +1/+1 counter on Taurean Mauler.
Commander 2015 rare The power of a waterfall. The fury of an avalanche. The intellect of a gale-force wind. Changeling (This card is every creature type at all times.)Whenever an opponent casts a spell, you may put a +1/+1 counter on Taurean Mauler.
Taurean Mauler Archenemy rare Dominick Domingo The power of a waterfall. The fury of an avalanche. The intellect of a gale-force wind. Changeling (This card is every creature type at all times.)
Whenever an opponent casts a spell, you may put a +1/+1 counter on Taurean Mauler.
Planechase rare Dominick Domingo The power of a waterfall. The fury of an avalanche. The intellect of a gale-force wind. Changeling (This card is every creature type at all times.)
Whenever an opponent casts a spell, you may put a +1/+1 counter on Taurean Mauler.
Morningtide rare Dominick Domingo The power of a waterfall. The fury of an avalanche. The intellect of a gale-force wind. Changeling (This card is every creature type at all times.)
Whenever an opponent plays a spell, you may put a +1/+1 counter on Taurean Mauler.

Abilities (click to find cards with that ability):
Changeling (36)
You may put a +{n}/+{n} counter on ~this~ (31)
Whenever an opponent casts a spell, {effect} (20)

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